Friday, June 01, 2007

Joga Bonito

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Future iPod?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Vachspathi Pallavi in Concert

Layatharanga ..


Cool song...

Friday, April 20, 2007

Kerala,The Unmatched Beauty

Good one... from God's own Country

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jungle Book - Intro Video - Hindi

Nostalgic song....

mile sur mera tumhara

My Childhood Doordarshan Special...

Cricket Crazy Ad Nike From India

Too good ad..

I am India

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - Web Democracy

Fleck . com - Web Democracy: "Fleck is: patent pending, world changing, paradigm shifting and user experience enhancing technology. Tagging, search, blog and social networking, every WEB2.0 hype is covered. via:"

Any idea what this could be and when these guys are comming with their betas. Lot of BUZZ generated before its getting online !!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

guykawasaki's blog

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki really makes a good reading. I would equally suggest this blog for those people who reads blogs for fun as well as for some knowledge. A whole lot of articles in this blog makes us think what is going to be the next post this guy is going to make. His greates dream is to be on top 10 on technorati. He is going to make it soon. Really this blog makes an inteligent reading.

He cover each and every catogary of post. His tag cloud says every thing : angel investors capital blogger books blog board member bloggers boomer cafeteria customer service company mission statement cto entrepreneur exceed grooming service google german cars health club japanese cars money members pet grooming product or service recruiting technical venture capitalists volvo .